Nice to meet you!
At Craniosacral Therapy and Wellness, we use skilled structural bodywork techniques
to help you feel better.
These techniques address the fascia. Fascia is the 3D web of soft tissue that holds the body together.
The primary methodologies used are Craniosacral Therapy and Tensegrity Medicine.
What is Craniosacral Therapy?
Craniosacral therapy is a gentle touch technique that addresses restrictions in the body, leaving you feeling connected, relaxed, and pain-free.
It calms and resets the body and nervous system.
Craniosacral Therapy
helps with:
~Migraines & Headaches
~Spine pain
~Joint pain
~Stress & Anxiety
~Jaw dysfunction
~Post-surgical pain
and more…
What is Tensegrity Medicine?
Tensegrity Medicine untethers the tightest areas in the body, giving you freedom of mobility like you've never felt before.
It allows for
pain-free and balanced movement.
Tensegrity Medicine improves:
~Muscle imbalance
~Body-mind wellness
and more...